In Sanskrit the coconut palm is referred to as “kalpa vriksha” meaning “the tree that supplies all that is needed to live”. Most Americans are familiar with the brown, hairy, mature coconut; however, what few people realize is the water from the young coconut is identical to human blood plasma and one of the highest sources of natural electrolytes known to man.
From the beginning of our lives the balance of intestinal microbiotica constantly builds and washes away. Tonix Brand Coconut Water Kefir is bristling with numerous strains of highly beneficial bacteria and minerals. Lactobacillus acidophilous, Bifido bacteria and hundreds of synergistic naturally occurring organisms. Repopulating the intestinal tract, cleansing away harmful bacteria, viruses and toxins while strengthening the immune system.
augh, dance sing, and drink kefir for a better life.
Tonix Coconut Water Kefir is a whole food probiotic, rich in vitamins, minerals and natural electrolytes.
This product is brisling with Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria, which creates awesome intestinal flora, digestion and production of B-6, B12, K, niacin and folic acid.
This is a fermented beverage that hydrates, and gently cleanses the intestinal tract, and liver. Tonix Coconut Water Kefir promoting general health and cleanliness in the body.
It replaces any lost electrolytes and is high in Potassium
Those who have used this product often say they often notice a reduction in sugar cravings, fewer allergy symptoms, better elimination and an improvement in digestion.
Use this product and unleash the energy you have in reserve!
Throughout time and place, living culture foods have been a sacred key to unlocking the secret of abundant health and longevity.
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